M’asore (My Church) App Find events, prayer request and more.

M'asore Church App makes church Administration easier and efficient

Managing and engaging brethren of the church as one big family is crucial for fellowship and church growth. As technology has grown and become more efficient, the ability to connect with people anywhere, and at any time has become more and more feasible. That's why we developed the M’asore (My Church) App — to give you a single, easy-to-manage system to connect with and administer the church.
Browse through our features and choose M'asore Church App.

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On Various Platforms

M'asore Church App is available on different platforms including Android, iOS and WebApps which can be accessed on all devices including laptops, desktops and mobile devices.

Benefits Of M'asore Church App

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Suggestions and Complaints

Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about M'asore and we'll get back to you.
Working Hours
8am to 5pm

Churches using M'asore app


Church Memberships managed on M'asore app


Increased membership engagements